Atmosphere Navigators
Atmosphere Navigation is a human flight technique using the body like a wing with a determinant relationship between angle and trajectory.

Skydiving Competition
The goal is to build a formation of multiple divers arranged in a geometric pattern, this creates order in an extremely chaotic environment.

Tracking Formations
Tracking involves the skydiver straightening the legs, bringing the arms to the sides and de-arching using the body to cup the air.

Angle Flying is any type of skydiving that is neither completely flat (parallel to the ground) nor completely vertical (90° to the ground).
News & Events

Russell McLean received his AFF certification from Skydive Perris Skydiving School in Perris, California.
AFF (Accelerated Free Fall) is the fast-track way to learn to skydive. This method of skydiving training is called "accelerated" because the progression is the fastest way to experience solo freefall, normally from 10,000 to 15,000 feet "Above Ground Level" (AGL). AFF instructors have no physical connection to the student other than their grips.
Featured Jumps

November 23, 2014
Russ - Tracking, with this technique the aim is to obtain an air stream that permits lift and a precise control of flight.

November 23, 2014
Russ - Sit Flying, feet oriented toward the relative wind and 90° bends maintained at the knees, hips, and shoulders.